Protein Powder

Protein Powder


The Efficacy of Protein Powder

Protein Powder

Replenish energy

Protein components can help the body provide energy, whether it is infants or adults or the elderly, protein organization is extremely important to the body.

Nutritional supplements

Whether it's the brain, organs, muscles, bones, or blood, they're all made up of protein. However, protein is metabolized and renewed every day, and supplementing protein can provide basic raw materials for the formation of human tissue cells and supplement the nutrients needed by the human body.

Regulate immune function

Protein powder is rich in amino acids, especially arginine, which has obvious effects on wound healing, and also improves the body's immune system. At the same time, it has a regulating effect on cholesterol, and insisting on eating 30g of protein powder every day can reduce cholesterol.

Prevent hair loss

80% of the nutrients in the hair come from keratin. Once the protein is lacking, it will cause hair loss and hair loss. protein.

Improve memory

The lecithin in protein powder has the effect of improving memory, especially the elderly who insist on supplementing protein powder and preventing Alzheimer's disease.

Not everyone can benefit from these protein powders. If your diet is already rich in high-quality protein, adding protein powder may not have much of an impact on your quality of life.

Types of Protein Powder

Whey protein

Whey protein comes from milk. Contains high levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are rapidly digested to create new muscle and aid recovery.

Casein protein

Similar to whey protein, casein is also derived from milk, but it is digested and absorbed much more slowly. Gradual exposure of casein to steady levels of amino acids reduces muscle breakdown and promotes growth.

Egg protein

Provides all nine amino acids necessary for lean muscle growth and appetite reduction.

Pea protein

Contains high levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which boost satiety hormones and build muscle

Mixed vegetable protein

Contains a variety of plant sources to provide your body with all essential amino acids.

Who Is Suitable for Supplementing Protein Powder?

Protein powder is mainly suitable for the following three groups of people:

The first category

Patients with severe loss of protein in the body, including trauma, burns, infections, multiple fractures, tuberculosis, chronic hepatitis, diabetic gastric motility disorder, extensive skin ulceration, heart disease combined with cachexia, major surgical operations, and tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy patients.

The second category

Patients with insufficient protein intake or absorption, including patients with anorexia nervosa, functional dyspepsia, and intestinal malabsorption. The first and second categories of patients can take protein powder orally when the doctor determines that the gastrointestinal function, liver and kidney function are allowed, and there are no special contraindications.

The third category

People in certain specific stages, such as pregnant women, nursing mothers and elderly people with weak gastrointestinal tract function and eating less, can take it under the guidance of a physician.

Not Applicable to The Crowd

  • Those who are allergic to protein powder ingredients
  • Gastrointestinal function is not allowed, gastrointestinal failure, patients in fasting state
  • Patients with acute pancreatitis
  • Patients with renal insufficiency
  • Patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy
  • Patients with high intestinal fistula
  • Patients with severe trauma, burns, infections, etc. in the acute decomposition stage

Related Research Information

Related Research Information

A population-based observational study suggests that maintaining a high intake of plant-based protein may reduce the occurrence of metabolic syndrome (including increased blood pressure, elevated triglycerides and fasting glucose, and lower blood cholesterol levels) series of symptoms).[1]

  1. Bahar Azemati. (2021). "Dietary Animal to Plant Protein Ratio Is Associated with Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome in Participants of the AHS-2 Calibration Study," Nutrients 13(12), 4296.

※ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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