


Nutraceuticals are receiving increasing attention due to various trends, including changing lifestyles, emerging middle-class groups in emerging economies, changing dietary habits, aging populations, and increasing life expectancy.

Protheragen Nutraceuticals is committed to providing customers with high-quality nutrients, helping you solve various nutritional needs in your daily life, and sharing your concerns about your health with you.

We are putting into action the following categories of nutrients:



Vitamins are a type of nutrient contained in food. It plays a very important role in human physiological "metabolism". Although vitamins cannot provide energy for the human body, they are indispensable to promote the chemical reaction process in the human body and regulate the metabolism of our body.

Amino Acid

Amino Acid

Amino acids are essential compounds shared by all living things, from microorganisms to humans. The amino acids linked together to make proteins not only make up our bodies, but also regulate most of our body's basic functions. Since our bodies cannot make all amino acids, we must get some of the essential amino acids through our diet from a variety of foods.



You've probably heard the term "free radicals," which are by-products of respiration and metabolism. They can snatch electrons from proteins and fat molecules, cause them to undergo oxidation reactions, destroy their structures, and even attack DNA in cells. Eating foods rich in antioxidants regularly helps protect the body from oxidative damage, thereby reducing the risk of many chronic diseases.



Minerals, also known as inorganic salts or ash, are found in all parts of the human body and are the "nutrient treasures" in our bodies. They play a key role in nearly every reaction in the body: minerals, for example, boost enzymes, activate chemical reactions, build good bone structure, and even promote healthy brain function.



Omega-3s are found in animal and plant sources, the most prominent of which are krill oil and fish oil. The benefits of omega-3s span many aspects of health, from mental and behavioral health to preventing premature death from disease.

Herbal Supplement

Herbal Supplement

Herbal supplements belong to the category of dietary supplements, and are a class of manufactured products that are mainly used as a supplement to the daily diet for the purpose of health care. Common herbs are echinacea, feverfew, ginkgo biloba, saw palmetto and so on.


Melatonin, also known as the pineal hormone, regulates circadian rhythms, aids sleep, and tells your body that it's ready for sleep. The well-known functions of melatonin are mainly to improve sleep quality (dosage 0.1~0.3mg) and regulate circadian rhythm.

For more categories, click below:

※ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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