Cordyceps Sinensis

Cordyceps Sinensis


Cordyceps Sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis is the result of a survival competition between two organisms, that is, Cordyceps fungus uses bat moth larvae as nutrients for the next generation. Collected from fungal strains and insect shells, Cordyceps has long been coveted as a foreign traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with overwhelming pharmacological properties.

Active Ingredients of Cordyceps Sinensis

In order to reveal the mystery of Cordyceps sinensis with wide range of effects and excellent curative effect, a large number of studies have analyzed the chemical constituents of Cordyceps sinensis. Currently known components include amino acids, cyclic peptides, nucleosides, sterols, organic acids, polysaccharides, various vitamins and various inorganic elements.

The following figure described the main pharmaceutical compounds in Cordyceps extract and their therapeutic properties, such as anti-aging, restorative properties, anti-cancer/anti-tumor, immunostimulatory and antioxidant.[1]

Active Ingredients of Cordyceps Sinensis

The Efficacy of Cordyceps Sinensis

Anti-cancer effect

Cordyceps sinensis has applications in complementary and alternative medicine in cancer prevention and treatment. Studies have shown that the ethyl acetate extract of Cordyceps sinensis exhibits potent inhibitory effects on various cancer cell lines, such as B16 mouse melanoma and MCF-7 breast cancer, with strong antitumor activity. [2] Additionally, cordycepin can inhibit tumor growth by upregulating tumor cell apoptosis, inducing cell cycle arrest, and targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs). [3]

Regulate immune system function

Although the immunomodulatory mechanism of Cordyceps sinensis is still unclear, increasing evidence suggests that they mainly promote lymphocyte proliferation. An animal experiment showed that mice fed with Cordyceps sinensis polysaccharide were more likely to stimulate spleen lymphocyte proliferation, showing enhanced immunomodulatory activity. [4]

Anti-aging effect

Cordyceps sinensis is considered an anti-aging traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Numerous animal studies have shown that Cordyceps sinensis or its extracts exhibit potent anti-aging effects. For example, one study concluded that C. sinensis Cs-4 extended lifespan in mice and reversed many age-related changes in GE, supporting the conventional view that Cordyceps sinensis delivers anti-aging benefits to humans. [5]

Anti-aging effect

Other health benefits

Cordyceps has also been studied for other symptoms, including respiratory, kidney, liver, nervous system, cardiovascular disease, cancerous tumors, decreased libido, and even stress, fatigue, and aging. [1]


  • While Cordyceps has many of the potential benefits listed above, Cordyceps and its supplements are not a cure-all, nor are they suitable for everyone.
  • Although it is relatively safe, Cordyceps can still have some side effects including stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea or dry mouth in rare cases.
  • The intake of any supplement is very important, the amount of Cordyceps is not the better, please follow the doctor's advice.

  1. Peter Xin Chen. (2013). "Properties of Cordyceps Sinensis: A review," Journal of Functional Foods 5(2), 550-569.
  2. Jian Yong Wu. (2007). "Inhibitory effects of ethyl acetate extract of Cordyceps sinensis mycelium on various cancer cells in culture and B16 melanoma in C57BL/6 mice," Phytomedicine 14(1), 43-49.
  3. Ye Jin. (2018). "Anti-tumor and anti-metastatic roles of cordycepin, one bioactive compound of Cordyceps militaris," Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 25(5), 991-995.
  4. Jiali Zhang. (2011). "Effect of polysaccharide from cultured Cordyceps sinensis on immune function and anti-oxidation activity of mice exposed to 60Co," International Immunopharmacology 11(12), 2251-2257.
  5. Ning-zhi Tan. (2011). "The lifespan-extending effect of Cordyceps sinensis Cs-4 in normal mice and its molecular mechanisms," The FASEB Journal 25, 599.

※ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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